Divya Manian

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Bloggers Meet at Mind's Cafe!

We met yesterday at a little known comfortable cafe called The Mind’s Cafe. A few of them had already made themselves home at the venue while people kept trooping in.

It was refreshing to see new faces and new blogs! The Celebrity who I invited to join - Chetan Bhagat - came! and it was awesome to share with him about his first book and the upcoming one! He has a very beautiful wife Anusha (who should hopefully start blogging soon!).

We also had another non-blogger Sunil (who just Stands Out because of his height!) who is into podcasting! Preetam as usual was fascinating us with his stories and tales while I caught up with Sadagopan, Marasim, Anispice, Kaps and Mitokondrion.

Nitin dropped by later coz of his blogging assignments =D (which just goes to show how dedicated he is!). Later, as the evening drew to a close, several made their way to the National Library and a few of us headed to Dhoby Ghaut for some dinner.

It was a fun evening with lots of people. But next time we better orgazine some calorie burning activity instead of a normal gathering =D (for my selfish interest of course =D).

Related Read Kaps entry on the Bloggers Meet

Flickr Users! Use indibloggersmeet as a tag (first created by Ashwin) to tag your photographs so that all photographs can be seen from one link!
