Divya Manian

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Book Reviews for Feb 2010

This month has not been very good for reading. I hope to correct that next month! Here are my reviews:

  • Tropical Gangsters

    If you are curious to know why many African countries that receive aid and yet show no sign of progress, this book has some answers. Robert Klitgaard talks about his experience as a World Bank consultant in Equatorial Guinea, a country still ruled by the despot who features in the book. Tropical Gangsters: One Man’s Experience With Development And Decadence In Deepest Africa is written simply (probably too simply) but is a good unbiased look into the world of Aid and Development.

    Developed nations have repeatedly looted Equatorial Guinea, by providing expensive “consultants”, who have absolutely no clue on how to help Equatorial Guinea (except for their own benefit). So, most Equatorial Guineans do not trust an outsider. It does not help that a dictator rules the country. It is shocking to read about Mercedes cars of ministers plying barely serviceable roads and other atrocious gimmicks by both Foreigners and Guineans alike.

  • Hellboy Series (Vol 3, 4, 5)

    I became a Hellboy addict after reading the first volume. These three (Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5) further that addiction. Hellboy, the comic series, is definitely better than the movies. I am amazed how well Hellboy moves between Science-Fiction, Fantasy, and Mythology.

  • Goon: Rough Stuff

    Whenever I am at the comics section of the library, there is usually nobody else around. But this time, there was a kindred soul who was enthused by seeing me picking up Hellboy and started recommending comics (too bad I already read Watchmen!) The Goon: Rough Stuff (Goon (Unnumbered)) was one of those he recommended. Goon is awesome. It is the story of two zombie-killing thugs who become the heads of a criminal gang — what is not to love? I think I would have enjoyed it more if I was not afraid of being turned into a Zombie myself.

  • Waiter Rant

    I remember my first visit to Waiter Rant clearly. It was the day I spent more than 5 hours reading archives of that blog. I had never done that before for any website (except Wikipedia). His book, WaiterRant: Confessions of a Cynical Waiter, is mostly a collection of his blog posts and it brought back memories of that day. It is a melancholic, but compelling, look at the life and times of a no-longer-young waiter.

  • Embroideries

    Marjane Satrapi has written award-winning graphic-novels about her life in Iran. Embroideries is a humorous story documenting a gossip session among a group of ladies in Iran. The story starts with Marjane’s grandmother stating “To speak behind others’ backs is the ventilator of the heart”. Every woman discusses the issue of sex or their sex lives. It is really funny and touching at the same time. You should read it and discover how apt the title is!

That ends my reviews for Feb! Any books you have read recently that you recommend?
