Divya Manian

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General Election Looms!

In the five years I have lived in Singapore, the only elections I knew where the elections to the Student’s Union of NTU. So, it was a shocking surprise when people were all worked up for the elections this year. Even more shocking was Madam Ho knocking up on my doors and wishing me!

First, Madam Ho is very charming. Second, she has a large group of supporters/logistics people who do the groundwork of making people ready for her visit. Surprisingly, most of them spoke english haltingly (which, I think, is impossible for a Singaporean)!

Most importantly, she climbed her way up to all the floors! If that aint hardwork I dont know what is! :)

After a formal introduction, she asked me if I was a Singapore Citizen, and I told her I was a PR. With “Well, look at becoming a Singapore citizen soon!” she left. Perhaps, I would have heard more, if I was a citizen!

But, really, I have no complaints, nor suggestions for improvement. My area is as best as it can be! So, I wonder, why these Meet the People sessions before the elections? Not like there are any Opposition MPs contesting this area either!

More on the Singapore Elections.


Also, I am curious to know the Singapore usage of “Madam” as a title which I havent seen elsewhere. Any idea why we use it?
