Divya Manian

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Persian Politics

Bowling for Columbine was a refreshing change from the paranoia of studies. I was amazed that an American would actually be critical about American policies. I had almost given up on them as citizens of Oceania. But they aren’t that bad yet I guess.

The best part of the film was the Wonderful World, which lists America’s consistent hypocritical position as a leader of the oppressed and the leader of “Human Rights”.This item in the list is about the Iranian conspiracy by CIA that led to the assasination of the democratically elected Mossadegh and the restoration of the Shah’s oppressive regime. All this for precious Arab oil.

This review, of a recently published book unearthing CIA’s role in the conspiracy, is quite comprehensive and gives a good idea of how the image of America as ‘anti-colonialist’ was shattered with the assasination of Mossadegh. Its relevance should not be lost on us.
