Divya Manian

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Sin City

I finally watched Sin City with great trepidation. My past with violent movies has not been good. I watched 90% of Kill Bill with eyes closed or spouting ‘Disgusting’ every few seconds - which is why I was very reluctant to watch Sin City.

But, several people did, and thankfully all of them gave it a huge thumbs up. So, I was agreeable to watching it and finally did so yesterday night.

Sin City is art. Sorry, if you thought it was a film. It is aesthetic, stylish, retro, ugly and beautiful at the same time. Sin City pictured in the typical comic book format brings the comic book alive - literally. Sin City stories are not relevant - not enough as the direction and picturisation.

The best of all is the narration, the first person narration that is so comic book style. And you just totally relate to it. There are more monologues than there are dialogues.

Oh, even better, the blood. THere isnt any. Not in the form you know atleast. There is white, there is yellow, there is some spongy looking red. But nothing, close to what you think is reality. When limbs, head or penises get cut off, you dont experience horror, or disgust, but simply marvel at how amazingly cool the scene is.

I also loved the cars. Man, those cars! Lovely.

The stories are interestingly threaded together. If the movie was so aesthetic, I am sure the book will be even better!

P.S. Read the wired article on Robert Rodrigues, the co-director of Sin City and Guardian’s Profile of Frank Miller
